JCB are approaching their 40 year anniversary of supporting the NSPCC, and to mark this milestone they have arranged a 10 day cold water swimming challenge for the charity!
The swim will take place over 10 days in 10 different locations across the UK. Each of the JCB dealers in the UK and Ireland dealer network will be taking part and supporting the event on specific days – with TCH partaking on Saturday 9th December in Rotherham.
Diving in to every cold water swim along the way is Georgina Williams, JCB Backhoe Loader Demonstration & Training Manager.
“As part of my contribution to the 40-year anniversary appeal, I have decided to set myself this cold-water swimming challenge and I am delighted that our valued JCB UK and Ireland Dealer network are also supporting the appeal and will be taking the plunge with me at each location!”
Our Sales Director Pete Braybrook, dressed in his best fancy dress costume, joined Georgina in the water, reading at just 5.2°C on the thermometer!
The NSPCC is the leading children’s charity in the UK fighting to end child abuse. They seek out to help children who are victims rebuild their lives and prevent further incidents from happening again.
TCH JCB thanks everyone for their support at the appeal on Saturday, along with Manvers Waterfront Boat Club for their hospitality. T.C. Harrison JCB managed to donate £500.00 to the cause as a result of the event. You can donate to the NSPCC on the JustGiving link here.